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GLOW Let your light shine

屏幕快照 2019-01-15 下午8.34.52.png
屏幕快照 2019-01-18 下午7.16.15.png

Anxiety is worse during the morning rush.


Worrying about the coming day’s events, and feeling anxious about coping with them, contribute the most to morning anxiety. 


Stress and anxiety can interfere with our sleep and this may cause us to be tense and anxious in the mornings because we have not had a good night’s sleep and rest.



People start to adapt to smart home devices.


This is what people want for their assistance. In a busy morning, the best assistance is to get the information you need as a package and help you make plans of the day.


The night smartphone using trend.


The blue light from smartphones is harmful to eyesight. The strong single light source prevents people from fall asleep.  

Help people manage their day and sleep.

GLOW Let your light shine

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Traffic info

Notify weather to the user and forecast the traffic 

use everything you can on a smart speaker 

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Use your favorite voice control service 

use everything you can on a smart speaker 

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Use your favorite Meditation apps, keep your body rested and fresh.


The app showed here is called the Calm, one of the lead meditation apps, Ios app of the year 2017.

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Use glow to perform casual light therapy, help to ease stress.

GLOW Let your light shine

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Auto-adjusting ambient light base on your screen output.

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The user has the option to be free from direct lighting.

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Wakeup in the sunlight

Sunlight simulator helps you wake up naturally.


In the near future.

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AI and Machine learning is the trend and solution to create algorithm to guide people from

self-debating thought to a sleep-promoting mode.

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